Making the Dream Real partners are organizations and businesses that support the campaign at an exceptional level. We are deeply grateful to our partners for investing in the construction of the Ecusta Trail.


1000000 Divider


500000 Divider


250000 Divider


100000 Divider

 AH Hendersonville 4c


50000 Divider

     CFHC     Comporium

25000 Divider

                                        Full Badge, Blue Cream and Gold           

 First Citizens L 004              UCB


Become a Partner

As a Making the Dream Real partner, you will be supporting Friends of Ecusta Trail and Conserving Carolina’s shared mission to raise the needed funds to successfully construct the Ecusta Trail. Our vision is that the Ecusta Trail will be the premier greenway in the Southeast, connecting our communities, promoting health, and enriching the quality of life and the economy for everyone.

If your business or organization is interested in making a major gift to support the Making the Dream Real campaign, please call Jenn Tutor, Conserving Carolina’s development director at 828-697-5777 x. 202 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We’d be happy to discuss how you can help make this dream real.